Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Bit of Background Info
My name is Emma Payne. I am almost 36 years old and this blog starts halfway through my journey from fat to fit.
I have 2 young girls, born in 2006 and 2008 and as a result of having kids (usual excuse I know) my weight increased to 81kg which was the heaviest I have ever been. One Monday morning I decided to go back to the gym and tried a Zumba Fitness class.  From that point on I was hooked and went to as many classes as possible.  In late 2010 I decided to do the instructor training which I did in December 2010.  Here is a photo of me soon after the training in January 2011.
January 2011 (around 82kg)

 I started teaching Zumba Fitness classes in January 2011 with just 2 classes a week.  I now teach 15 classes per week including regular Zumba Fitness, Zumba Toning (with weighted maracas), Zumba Sentao (using a chair for resistance), Zumbatomic (for kids) and Zumba Gold (in nursing homes, retirement villages and in centres for adults with special needs including brain injuries). My life has changed and been enriched through this amazing program.
During the first year of teaching Zumba Fitness I lost approximately 10kg and then decided to go on to do some Personal Training Sessions with Chris Hujber of Body Culture Australia.
I have gone on to become a Hot Fusion Fitness instructor and am almost completed my Cert III in Fitness and will go on to do Cert IV to become a Personal Trainer.
I had a photoshoot earlier this year, in April which was an amazing experience and I had to diet hard in the weeks prior to prepare for the shoot. 
 Soon after my photoshoot my amazing trainer, Chris Hujber and his equally amazing partner Miki Phillips competed in a body building comp and I was blown away by the awesome transformations in their bodies through dedicated diet and training hard.  At the back of my mind a little voice was asking me if I could do it.  I ummed and aaahed for a few weeks and then spoke to another Zumba Instructor and Zumba Jammer extraordinaire, Olivia Carrasco, who had decided to compete in Adelaide in October and her encouragement and words of support helped me to make the decision to go for it.  Life's too short to die wondering so here we go...15 weeks out from the comp which is on 12 October.
I started my food program an weight training under the guidance of Miki and am feeling fantastic.
The purpose of this blog is really for me to document my journey so I can look back and see what I have achieved but if I can also inspire just one person to take control of their food and or training and become a better version of themselves that is even better.
When I step up on stage the only person I am really competing with is myself, I would have proved that I can do it and that is the biggest battle.
So readers, please feel free to comment but I do ask you respectfully to keep your comments kind in manner and constructive.  I am my biggest critic and I know there will be days where I look tired, drawn, and may feel like giving up but by being accountable here I feel I have to prove myself to you all as well as myself....


  1. Hi Emma, Hows the training going? I am really interested in following your journey as this is something that I have wanted to do for a long time, but I guess I don't believe in myself enough to follow through with it as I know how tough it is. Whenever I start weight training I find that I need about 2 to 3 hours sleep every afternoon, even with the correct diet! How is your energy for your Zumba classes since starting your training? Which comp are you entering and which category? Cheers, Jodie Groeneveld

    1. Hi Jodie...thanks for your can do anything you want :)
      Having lost 20kg+ this is the last step in the journey to prove I am strong enough mentally and physically. I did think long and hard and am not going into it to compete with anyone but myself and not expecting to place.
      Very excited about shopping for outfits and getting pampered the week before.
      Seriously, if you want to do it look in to it, get advise and coaches for diet and exercise and once you commit to it just go for it. Don't die wondering xx
